To get back together with your ex, you will need a strategy. You will need a method... a plan.
I'm talking A-Z, here. You need to know how to initiate a reconciliation, how to respond to progress, and when to use flexibility by implementing a plan B, plan C, etc. You need to know how to make your relationship far stronger than it's ever been during the "get back together" process, and then many years into your renewed relationship.
By the way, that's what we're after here: Renewal.
You need to be unpredictable, uncommon, and unwavering. What you think will help you get back together with your ex probably won't. I'd apologize for my pessimism if it weren't true. If you would:
- Text Message Your Ex
- Apologize To Your Ex
- Profess Your Undying Love To Your Ex
- Show Romantic Intent or Seduce Your Ex
- Be Emotional Toward Your Ex, or
- Act Like a Needy, Desparate FOOL Toward Your Ex
THEN YOU ARE MOST ASSUREDLY DOOMED! Doomed to either a crappy reconciliation... or NO reconciliation, at all.
So step up. Be smart. Get back together with your ex in a way that dramatically increases the quality of both of your lives. And don't ever degrade yourself with desparate grovelling. Nobody wants a whiner!
The step-by-step guide I'm presenting you with here is the best in the world, plain and simple. A more powerful Get Back Together With Ex blueprint has never existed. It's called The Magic of Making Up by TW (T-Dub) Jackson. You may have heard of it. It's the most popular - and most effective - guide of its kind on the entire internet!
WARNING: Unconventional Methods, cautions T-Dub on his website. He then continues: "At this point, I must WARN YOU...STRONGLY WARN advice and methods are VERY unconventional."
"But I get relationship counselors and the like REALLY ANGRY because they are charging $50 to $100 an hour (sometimes for months and even years), while I can whisper just one of my methods in a friend's ear...He does it... And next thing you know he's back at home, lying on the couch watching 'Lost' with his FIANCE on a Thursday night!"
Don't let this be the end. Thank you for reading.